Friday 27 July, 2007

Others make you happy

I understand your feeligs my friend I share a similar one. We spend all our life right from birth with a desire and intention to be happy. I got into school my parents made me study which I did just to make sure my parents are happy. Than I went to college I studied and studied hard. I spend hours in library and labs and spend most of my time preparing notes - these notes were circulated to all my friends who never attended practicals - what I acheived, I got friends who were happy. BUt BUt But where is my share of happiness ????

I fell in love I gave everything to make her happy, Than I started beleiving that our happiness lies in making others happy.

Over the years this feeling became stronger and stronger.

So my friend you dont have to wait to get your happiness, instead the time that you spend waiting try and make somebody else happy.

A misscal or a SMS is sufficient enough to make others happy and find your happiness in them.

Tuesday 24 July, 2007

Toady, waiting at a client's place, all of a sudden I went into a trance...n I realized it is going to be destructive...destructive for my intelligent mind:-) n I was right...waiting for some1 can only lead to frustration, be it your girlfriend or a client. By the way both r same; with either, u cant show ur anger, u should display care and understanding and even if u feel like “what the hack”- u still have to show and sustain “close-up” smile. So during the time when I was comatose…I was still thinking and talking to my inner self; my soul. I asked so many questions and most (infact all) of them were unanswered by the time his majesty –my client – came back. We had a chat and for an hour we discussed important issues with professional gravity. The moment I was done…same questions came back to haunt me. There surely was an uneasiness and discomfort about the way I lived today. One more day gone in search of what is commonly known as “Happiness”. This has been so for quite some time now…and I have been shrugging it off most of the time…newayz the moment I get a clue about “what is it that I am missing” I think I’ll be homo sapien again.

Nevertheless, the big question remains – “how to ensure waiting for someone turns constructive…”

Saturday 21 July, 2007

I am starting this blog with a view that some of the thoughts which otherwise are unexpressed and remain suppressed, will be brought in open...hope to benefit and understand few concepts with clarity...